PVT Property Correlations
This is the web version of the PVT properties calculator
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About the Book
PVT Property Correlation: Selection and Estimation helps engineers target their correlations based on an expert system.
This reference presents several techniques that will allow engineers to select the best PVT correlation,
especially when encountering limited reservoir fluid data and conditions. Tested against a large database,
these techniques cover different types of fluids, including recent techniques using neural networks.
Complimentary software that checks the input reservoir parameters for selecting the most appropriate
correlation and a PVT calculator to predict oil properties over a wide range of input data is included.
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About the Publisher
Elsevier, the modern publishing business, was founded in 1880.
It has evolved from a small Dutch publishing house devoted to classical scholarship into an international
multimedia publishing business with over 20,000 products for educational and professional science and healthcare communities worldwide.
Elsevier takes its name from the original House of Elzevir, a Dutch family publishing house founded in 1580.
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About the Authors
Dr. Ahmed El-Banbi is currently a professor of Petroleum Engineering and chair of the department at the American University in Cairo (AUC).
He has 25 years of diversified international experience in reservoir and petroleum engineering. He worked as an engineer, trainer, and a technology developer.
Ahmed spent 12 years with Schlumberger where he held a variety of technical and managerial positions in 5 countries.
He has considerable experience in managing multi-disciplinary teams and performing integrated reservoir studies.
Previously, he had shorter assignments with a major oil company and a consulting company in addition to academic research and teaching experience.
He authored and co-authored more than eighty technical papers, two book chapters, and holds one US patent.
He has been on numerous SPE committees, program chair for the North Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition,
and technical reviewer for the SPE Reservoir Engineering and Evaluation Journal and other journals.
Ahmed holds BS and MS degrees from Cairo University, and an MS and PhD degrees from Texas A&M University; all in petroleum engineering.
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